Recent content by Kyneswood1

  1. K

    Is this mould?

    Hi Paul and Robbie Agreed it's probably not mould. I'm frustrated because I lined the walls with 1000 grade paper as the plasterwork wasn't great. Left it a day to dry completely then wallpapered. The paper itself is a vintage 1980's Laura Ashley vinyl. I wondered whether wall paper, or just...
  2. K

    Is this mould?

    Hi Paul It was a painted wall before with no mould. It's an internal wall in the kitchen although the other side is single story with no ingress. It has flummoxed me. Ben
  3. K

    Is this mould?

    We have recently lined and wallpapered our kitchen using a vinyl paper. After two weeks we got patches in the picture. It is behind the wallpaper. We deal with condensation and mould by heating and ventilating but wonder if this is mould and if so what can reasonably be done?
  4. Untitled


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