Recent content by Laurenissa

  1. Laurenissa

    Becoming a sparky...

    Thanks Sparklms, Its not all about the cash at the end of the day, its mainly job satisfaction. As long as I have enough money to keep a roof over my head and food in my belly then im happy. I just want to do something I enjoy, have abit of variety, meet new people, just generally enjoy the...
  2. Laurenissa

    Becoming a sparky...

    Hahaha, I like your thinking! I think I remember seeing a company on 'dragons den' that were trying to get an investment to take their company country wide, It's possibly the same company (I imagine there arn't alot of companies like that out there)... I know id get alot of stick for it, but...
  3. Laurenissa

    Becoming a sparky...

    Im on roughly about £17k at the moment, however if I did drop a days work it would be more like £15k, which actually isn't far off £7p/h anyway! I honestly didn't realise the wage would be at that level, I thought id be looking at the standard £100 a week apprentice type wage. But on that...
  4. Laurenissa

    Becoming a sparky...

    Cheers ColJack, really appreciate that. I know its abit of a pigs ear way round to do it, the truth is I should of just done it when I left school, but I think my female attitude at the time just wouldn't let me, honestly I was scared about being surrounded by men, and not being taken...
  5. Laurenissa

    Becoming a sparky...

    Hey guys, Im all new to this, as you can guess I'm looking for advice on becoming an electrician... At the moment, im seriously stuck in a dead end job, and I really need to get out of the rat race and do something for myself. Ive always been pretty practical, and always had a major...