Recent content by MissPoohs

  1. M

    Flaking Paint??

    Oddly enough Joe when we moved in there was a dodgy smell in that cupboard, but we thought it was the old the old carpet in there, so we tossed it, but the smell persisted. Then we got gas put into the house, and the day the workmen came and started drilling we found out the cause of the...
  2. M

    Flaking Paint??

    Got it it's efflorescence
  3. M

    Flaking Paint??

    We have a smashin decorator, he's not long finished my sons room - great job again. I asked him about an area of flaking paint we have in a down stairs cupboard. He used a term along the lines of fluessence(??), saying it was some kind of reaction between the wall and the paint. He told...