Recent content by piggylet

  1. P

    Cat pee cure

    Yep the smell people associate with chlorine is actually the chlorine working on all the nasties in the water and producing chloramine. I didn’t use chlorine to get rid of cat pee smell. I used PH reducer. I can now confirm that the stench went away as we were mopping. And it has not returned...
  2. P

    Cat pee cure

    Thought this might be useful to anyone who like my friend bought a house where previous owner was old lady with way too many cats. Carpets were chucked out but house still smelled in fact it honked. They tried numerous sprays that were supposed to use enzymes and other neutralizing agents and...
  3. P

    Government caves in on planning reform.

    At present we have "no fit state" and the only reason why is because the shooting of politicians and other annoying people is against the law. Don't vote for them it just encourages them lol... I really want to sell up sod off and live in a house made from storage containers in a woods far far...
  4. P

    Government caves in on planning reform.

    NO I could not build anything in my front garden anyway as that is where the locals have built their tribute to the wicker man. It does look lovely in the evenings when they all gather with their fire torches and begin chanting my name.But I suppose it is only right to give more power to this...
  5. P

    Government caves in on planning reform.

    Does anybody know roughly when we are to be blessed with more red tape .I wonder if the nimby neighbours I have will be consulted over a 6ft by 4ft shed I am saving up for. If so I may as well forget it cos they complain about anything they can now. The last complaint was the "stains" caused on...
  6. P


    I guess someone should inform solicitors that they have an IQ of 3 or 4 then cos they are the ones that kick up a stink and put off buyers when extensions don't have the "relevant" paper work. Cos in my experience they don't seem to know of this magical 4 year rule. I also find it ridiculous...
  7. P


    Spoke with head of planning today. It is NOT normal for an application for CLD to go to a planning committee. They never go in front of the committee for approval or refusal. They are checked by a planning officer to make sure they comply with the PD regulations. They are a simple Yes or No...
  8. P


    So you reccommend building without getting a LDC ????
  9. P


    This websites members promote getting the certification. What I am concerned about is 1. LDC are just a yes no answer from council. Nobdy I have spoken to (solicitor, architect and planning officers) have ever heard of it being decided at committee 2. My NIMBY neighbours are buddies with most...
  10. P


    I have applied for CLOPUD as that is what everybody advises. If I want to sell my house in future its best to have one. I have spoken to our previous case officer about the letter i got today and even he said he had never heard of a CLOPUD going in front of a committee and he also said he thinks...
  11. P


    The propossed extension meets all the PD criteria. It was discussed with planning officers and designed by a qualified architect. We were assured that it is PD. Recieved letter today verifying reciept of the application for CLOPUD. Quote from letter "If we recieve any objections the application...
  12. P


    Does anybody know of any instance where an application for certificate of lawful development for propossed extension (that meets the PD rules) is put in front of the planning committee to decide because of objections from neighbours.
  13. P

    out buildings and permitted development

    Yes we have taken advice from professionals. The problem is with the excavating within 3m of the boundary and proving that we will not go deeper than neighbours detatched garage footings.We don't want to waste money on petty arguing thru solicitors and surveyors. However this is now by the by as...
  14. P

    out buildings and permitted development

    Yep that was another of the threats (from neighbours) that they would never agree on the party wall act excavating within 3m of the boundary wall and cost us a fortune till we had no money left to do the build. I really don't want to annoy the neighbours (they hate us enough as it is.. we are...
  15. P

    out buildings and permitted development

    Nope our plans were far from outrageous. It basically all came down to drive way access on the first application. This was sorted on the second attempt by providing a 6m long by 3.5m wide drive way and a parking area of 6m by 3m at front of house. The extension was single storey and was going to...