Recent content by RobboBCFC

  1. R

    New downstairs WC drainage

    existing foundations arent as deep as 1meter. Thats the problem with digging all the way at 1m. Unless theres another way to do this that Im missing? thanks for feedback guys
  2. R

    New downstairs WC drainage

    Hopefully this is clear
  3. R

    New downstairs WC drainage

    Thanks for your reply Hugh! How would I go about putting in an external backdrop into the IC? I can't at the sides as theres no room... The main run is being used up by the SVP.. can I just join onto that with a T and then go through the top for the rodding point? (hope that makes sense)
  4. R

    New downstairs WC drainage

    Hi guys, hoping to get some advice on drainage layouts. I'm currently having a new WC installed downstairs. However the existing drains are at a depth of around 1M. lower than the existing house footings. Meaning theres a big difference between new drains to existing. I have spoken to the BCO...
  5. R

    Foundation Shuttering for Drainage

    Thanks for the reply. There isn't a requirement for concrete to run underneath? and it's fine for the hole to be square around drain?
  6. R

    Foundation Shuttering for Drainage

    So to clarify is this how you would go about it now? doesn't there need to be a bridge of concrete underneath the pipe to? Excuse the paint drawings:
  7. R

    Foundation Shuttering for Drainage

    Thanks for the reply! What size rebar and how many would you use if Im going to drill either side and have them overlapped and tied together? I'd talk this over with builder but looks like Im getting rid. Thanks for the help
  8. R

    Foundation Shuttering for Drainage

    They were submitted and passed off. However cant find on the drawings this method that has been done. At this point, is there anything I can do to fix this problem? Can rebar be drilled into either side of foundation fixed chemically and a new pour of concrete to join them together?
  9. R

    Foundation Shuttering for Drainage

    Thanks for the quick reply. Is there anything at this point that can be done to remedy this problem?
  10. R

    Foundation Shuttering for Drainage

    Hi guys hoping if someone can shed some light on a problem I have. Currently have an extension being built. The foundations have been poured but I'm getting paranoid about how the concrete was shuttered off to solve the problem of drainage running through foundations. The plan is shuttering...