Recent content by southernlead

  1. S

    Dealing with flaking layer of plaster before painting

    Hi, I've got a problem with a layer of flaking plaster in this bathroom which I need to deal with before painting. See pictures. I've scraped off quite a lot, to the point where the layer has become much firmer, and I'm wondering if there's a way I can feather in with some filler or...
  2. S

    Fill and neaten finish between skirting and floor tiles

    Hi, I'm decorating the bathroom, and as shown in the pictures I have a messy finish between the wooden skirting and ceramic wall tiles. The tiles are cut up to the skirting with grout along the edge going under the skirting. The grout is in mixed condition, sometimes getting loose (as it is...
  3. S

    Large holes in internal wall from TV cables

    Hi, Previous owner had their TV wall mounted above the fire-place, with two holes and trunks for cables down to power and other appliances. It looks from the paint work as though sections of the wall were cut into to insert the trunking and then plastered back up. The holes are quite...