Recent content by spider9a

  1. S

    How do I install a shower to a megaflo

    I know this is gonna sound dumb but how do I do that?
  2. S

    How do I install a shower to a megaflo

    The mixer taps are ok but the pressure isn`t great so after around 10 or so minutes the pin in the middle drops and the shower bit only works if you hold the pin up which is abit difficult if you are trying to have a shower. Any suggestions?
  3. S

    How do I install a shower to a megaflo

    I just thought it might be a cheaper if i bought a ordinary shower for say £60 and just paid someone to install it, as I say I haven`t got a clue what is involved etc when it comes to putting a shower in but didn`t expect it to be as expensive as £1500 to install.
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    How do I install a shower to a megaflo

    Would any electrician be able to install the shower for me?
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    How do I install a shower to a megaflo

    The front of the megaflo reads max mains pressure 16 bar, operating pressure 3 bar. Does that make any sense?
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    How do I install a shower to a megaflo

    Without sounding like a total novice, how would I find out this?
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    How do I install a shower to a megaflo

    Do you think it would be expensive to do this?
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    How do I install a shower to a megaflo

    So would a electric shower be ok?
  9. S

    How do I install a shower to a megaflo

    I live in a 1 bedroom flat and it is all electric. I have mixer taps on the bath with a shower head and the water is heated by a megaflo immersion heater. Would it be possible to install a power shower and would this be expensive or difficult to do?