Recent content by stubbyrama

  1. S

    Central heating system Boilin, Banging

    Cant answer all your questions yet as I have just turned off the system for it to go cold so I can check the flows. But I can tell you there are drayton TRV4's fitted to the rads..i put them on as I decorated...the only ones that don't have em are the bathroom ones...(2 rads). The pump is...
  2. S

    Central heating system Boilin, Banging

    Well I decided to do a bit of investigation.....I turned off the heating last night and had just the hot water on . Fine for the last 12 hrs.....5 showers and a bath......Yeah I am clean.... Now I have turned off all the two and turned on the CH.and turned off the HW it is...
  3. S

    Suprima 60 - Banging.....No control

    Well I replaced the PCB...and all was working fine till about two days ago...see new post.....Boiler bangin.
  4. S

    Central heating system Boilin, Banging

    well the tank is fine and full..... And I suppose the only way of finding out if the pump is sticking is to change it and see if it fixes the problem..... one thing i have noticed is that the feed to the system is also the pipe coming out of tank....t piece one side going to...
  5. S

    Central heating system Boilin, Banging

    Well I have a suprima 60 and I have had problems with no temp control and banging...etc...I have changed the PCB to the new modern one as suggested in my last post......and the system has worked fine for the last three weeks...but then at 0630 in the morning....the system vents to the expantion...
  6. S

    Suprima 60 - Banging.....No control

    OK I will get to do that today...will let you know outcome tonight.... Cheers Bud.
  7. S

    Suprima 60 - Banging.....No control

    Well I did check to see if it had done in nice and did bend a little when it went in the first time cos I didnt realise how small the appeture was that it was going into. But as I is in there now and is there a way of checking it is working correcty.... what is this...
  8. S

    Suprima 60 - Banging.....No control

    No the overheat stat has not been checked ( is it easy to do?). The Temp sensor (thirmistor) has been changed......I just slid it in. But surly if the temp sensor was working then it would control the temp ot the boiler and it would fire up and stop when the selected temp was reached and if...
  9. S

    Suprima 60 - Banging.....No control

    Thanks for giving me this advise first of all.........appreciated. Yeah took the middle cover off the pump and it is spinning when selected too. But is it supposed to leak from here?.........i wondered if it was or wasnt...cos a seal might have gone...... But it is running....smoothly too.
  10. S

    Suprima 60 - Banging.....No control

    Yeah it does not matter where the dial is on the boiler, it will do it in any setting. yes it is an old board one green one red LED Pt # 407750 Is the new one different then?......(we digress)
  11. S

    Suprima 60 - Banging.....No control

    Right. I have a Potterton Suprima 60...Lucky me. On fire up its seems to run fine but it just keeps on running untill the water in the system boils and comes out the over flow. Obviously loads of banging as well as the air in the system expands. I have replaced the thermister and it worked for...