Recent content by thereus

  1. T

    Scale in macerator exit pipe removal please help.

    What solution would be best? I don't want to damage the solvent bonds. How long will it take? Will it dissolve by itself or need some kind of pipecleaning brush afterwards? There seems to be an awful lot of it. Thanks, Michael
  2. T

    Scale in macerator exit pipe removal please help.

    It would involve removing a very expensive floor on which over 1500 books are sitting on shelves.
  3. T

    Scale in macerator exit pipe removal please help.

    I have a horizontal(ish) solvent-bonded 18mm pvc pipe about 8m long with a couple of joints along the way. It is totally inaccessible other than then ends. It has limescale along its length of about 3mm thick all the way around it. How can remove this without damaging the pipe? Thanks, Michael