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  1. T

    Replacing door handle with LARGE hole

    [/url] Perfect! Looks like they'll do the trick, thanks!
  2. T

    Identify door manufacturer / help finding replacement part

    Any suggestions on this :(
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    Replacing door handle with LARGE hole

    :lol: Fortunately, mine don't! That therefore seems a little excessive? Is there not a simple solution?
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    Replacing door handle with LARGE hole

    I'm trying to fit a new door handle on the kids bedroom door, having taken the old handle off the hole that has been cut out is huge and the screw points in the new handle are much closer to the centre and I can't fix them into the door. What would be the best way of fixing this (with limited...
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    Identify door manufacturer / help finding replacement part

    Hey all, my kitchen door has a small leak in it on the underside of the window frame. It's been a regular issue but only when the rain is REALLY bad. Following the manic weather earlier this year I stripped it down because it leaked badly. Turns out the reason is because when it was put...
  6. T

    My daughter and self shutting doors

    Hey guys, had a bit scare this evening so I need some advice. I live in a town house fitted with fire doors, they are all fitted with what I've established are Radius Plate Concealed sprung closers??? Thanks to these contraptions, my 1 year old daughter is under threat of losing fingers...