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  1. L

    cut the top wood of my cabinet

    Hi All, we have moved into a new flat. the flat has one of those cabinets that you fit your fridge and dishwasher within the cabinet. unfortunately the fridge freezer inside the cabinet is mini and not very good for us this i want to remove this and place my standard fridge freezer in there...
  2. L

    brown Laminate swallon with white mark

    Hi guys, I hope you are all doing well. My home laminate has swollen and has a white mark on it as a result of water staying on it for a while . Here are some pics any suggestion on how to get rid of it? my laminate is whole piece and not an individual squares which can be...
  3. L

    need to know the name of this lock

    hi i need to change my door lock ,and want to buy it off the ebay but dont know what is the name of that kind of lock i have included some pic so u may know the name thanks