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  1. S

    Lost my centre screw

    All sorted now, thanks guys and a special thanks to fluffster for sending the screw 8)
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    Lost my centre screw

    Thanks for your help guys, didnt think for a second that someone would offer to post me one. Thanks Again Tim
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    Lost my centre screw

    Fluffster you are an absolute legend, I've been searching everywhere for one and am currently sat with the heating off as I cant turn the pump on :( Have emailed you my address, if you you want anything for it even if just to cover the postage please let me know. Many Thanks Tim
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    Lost my centre screw

    Just drained and bled my radiators and tried to bleed central heating pump and the centre screw fell our and fell through the floor down into the chimney, the only way I can get it back would be to remove the back boiler downstairs that is well above my competency. Is there anywhere I can buy...
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    Central heating leaking into hot water

    No but it was an upstairs radiator. Don't knowif this would make any difference but the upstairs radiators are only filling up halfway at the moment as well?
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    Central heating leaking into hot water

    Thanks guys, it is a Y plan system from what I can see. Was hoping that there was a valve or something that may have failed in a halfway position or something rather than the coil in the cylinder beign broke as its not a little bit of x400 in the hotwater, its the same consistency as in the...
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    Central heating leaking into hot water

    theres a plastic expansion tank over a metal cylinder coated in foam, am really lost on this now as even after emptying the hot water and letting it refill there's still x400 in the hot water supply :(
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    Central heating leaking into hot water

    I put the x400 into oneof the upstairs radiators, I have one Cylinder with a plastic expansion tank above it. Due to a loft conversion my cylinder and expansion tank or on upstairs rather than in the attic but this was done ten years ago, would this make a difference? I've run the taps till...
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    Central heating leaking into hot water

    Hi Guys Firstly thanks to everyone who advised me to insulate rather than replacing my central heating controls, this has made a massive difference! I've now taken off my blocked radiators and flushed them through and added Sentinel x400 to the central heating. The problem I have now...
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    Any help would be greatly appreciated with my heating setup

    Lol, thanks for the additional information guys. My idea behind the change was that I'm not home very often as I travel alot with work and stay at the girlfriends quite often. I want the house to stay a little bit warm so it's not freezing when I do come home. My logic was that if I changed...
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    Any help would be greatly appreciated with my heating setup

    Thanks for the replies guys. I put a jacket around the cylinder last year which has improved things but it was only a cheap £10 from B&Q. I'll try and put a picture up of the pump and cylinder to explain it better but from what I can see there's a pipe from downstairs leading into the pump...
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    Any help would be greatly appreciated with my heating setup

    Is it something like this I need to control them both seperatly?: Thanks Tim
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    Any help would be greatly appreciated with my heating setup

    Thanks for the reply Stem, it does look like there's only the one pump which is right next to the hot water cyclinder. The problem I have is that I'm not home often the water in the cylinder is always cold when I get home and it seems that this takes priority over the radiators :( My master...
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    Any help would be greatly appreciated with my heating setup

    Hi Guys I'm trying to upgrade my central heating control unit to one that allows me to turn the heating on without the hotwater. Currently I have one that only allows me to have the hot water on only or the hot water and heating (can have them timed also using the dial), there are three...