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  1. H

    help needed urgently! stupid extractor fan!

    Just to let you know guys i got the problem sorted and the new light is up and running. Thanks again Andy
  2. H

    help needed urgently! stupid extractor fan!

    Thaks ever so much steve and sparkwright sounds great. Ive got a multimeter so i'll check tommorrow afternoon as im way too sparked out tonight! just have to make sure i dont put the birds clothes on in the morning by mistake! Thanks again to both of you
  3. H

    help needed urgently! stupid extractor fan!

    There must be a sparky on here who can help me? Basicly ive recently done the bathroom up and the girlfriend wanted a new light fitting, problem is there is an extractor fan linked somehow to the lighting circuit. so stupidly i removed the fan wiring (blue,yellow,red) then at this point the the...