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  1. M

    Aluminium Primer lumping up as it is applied

    ok heres the update... first had to rule out the door... so sanded the be-jazuz out of the front and give that back of it another light sanding. Had to do this to remove the first coat of primer that went wrong. next had to rule out the paint. Bought another Alum Primer but a different...
  2. M

    Aluminium Primer lumping up as it is applied

    thanks Dec, will try that now... I did give it a good olde sanding which has me surprised... what about thinning the primer... would that help.. thanks - M
  3. M

    Aluminium Primer lumping up as it is applied

    thanks Dec, that makes sense as it seems only a fine transparent coating of the primer sticks to the door. So in this case for a door of this type... what should I use... just the under coat and the gloss or is there another primer for doors that have been already stained... thanks...
  4. M

    Aluminium Primer lumping up as it is applied

    Joe, Dec... really big thanks for reply and 2 different but very appliciable responses.. got delayed watching X Factor lol... @ Dec... yes Dec, the door is a hard wood as far as I can tell and has been previously stained in that mahogany colour. I want to make it bright red... makes the...
  5. M

    Aluminium Primer lumping up as it is applied

    Hi there, I have never seen this really before. Have a new tin of Fleetwood Aluminium Wood primer for the front door. Door is sanded and good to go. Paint is new and so are the brushes. Door is cleaned down. Now I stirred the paint thoroughtly put as I was applying it, it would lump up on...