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  1. K

    Insulation - too good to be true?

    @ajrobb I disagree, an air cavity that is air tight is an excellent dampener lets just say the proof is in the pudding I have done it and it worked a charm. Either way I can say do it, the improvement on both impact and airborne noise was worth it...
  2. K

    Insulation - too good to be true?

    Well with any sound proofing air is the best dampener if you have 300mm from the top of the joist (their floor) to your ceiling then even better put in 200mm acoustic wool but leave an air gap. Also if you are having spots then get acoustic light hoods that pop over the top of the spot in the...
  3. K

    Insulation - too good to be true?

    Having done this recently I suggest you cover as much as possible while you can and have the ceilings down. I used fire graded acoustic wool 100mm between joists leaving a 100mm air gap from the upstairs floor to the wool then covered the entire area with an acoustic rubber membrane 3mm (stapled...
  4. K

    Best external oil boiler

    :lol: tough skinned believe me guess this is the point really is to get ideas and recommendations, our other option is of course to keep the Camray but move the tanks that aren't already in the loft to the loft...
  5. K

    Best external oil boiler

    Thx for the advice I'm doing a bit more research in to it all...I have come across quite a lot of problems on the Grant boilers online mostly around leaks and pumps, some having them replaced p to 5 times in 2 years etc. Not much fault reporting on the Worcester (online) but what I could find...
  6. K

    Best external oil boiler

    I'm looking at having my current oil boiler replaced (wall mounted Camray 5 external) and was wondering what the best would be to replace with. I want to first have it floor standing and second keep it outside so external. From what I can see the Grant boilers seem to be quite problematic but...
  7. K

    odd light switches

    thank you for clearing that up ;) I do have two fuse boxes but both appear to be in use. I will most certainly if i can convert to sockets, far more useful...
  8. K

    Laminate as plywood layer

    would Elastilon be a better bet so plywood 1st side to level to second side (laminate) then Elastilon over the lot?
  9. K

    Laminate as plywood layer

    ok makes sense I guess from that Laminate is compressed board? What would the best bet then and I'm taking it I could use it as the plywood layer just not nail to it?
  10. K

    odd light switches

    Here is one that has me stumped, I recently purchased a house and am now in the process of moving in and decorating etc. One thing I have come across is that in every room there is a light switch at floor level one or two next to a socket but some totally on their own in the middle of nowhere...
  11. K

    Laminate as plywood layer

    Hi just a simple question really, let me paint the picture quickly. I have two rooms that have been opened up to create one, on the first floor are tiles made of I don't know what and have been concreted down, yes concreted down. The other room has DPM layer and then Laminate. The idea is to...