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  1. T

    DIY conservatory/playroom please look i wanna get cracking!!

    just looking at some now on ebay its just getting one the right size :roll:
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    DIY conservatory/playroom please look i wanna get cracking!!

    right ok i see :? i was mainly worried about whether the size beams and the amount i was intending on using is gonna be strong enough, the roof im in two minds about but if i go for a proper double glazing then i may aswell be paying out for a proper consevatory and have it fitted but best...
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    DIY conservatory/playroom please look i wanna get cracking!!

    i am unkean on the polycarbonate idea myself its my wife that has her mind set on that, and she was told it was really good for keeping the heat in, do you have any suggestions for a different idea on the roof then i just need something that lets light in well at the same time :)
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    DIY conservatory/playroom please look i wanna get cracking!!

    no i said it does comply and to be honest if it didnt i would still be doing it i need some advice on actually doing it but everyone seems more interested in if it comes under building regs or not ive had no replys about my actual ideas :cry:
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    DIY conservatory/playroom please look i wanna get cracking!!

    my lanlord has even okayd it now and he says about you can only extend a certain percentage of the complete property if its over then it doesnt come under building regs. it says right her and its only gonna be 4m by...
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    DIY Project consevatory/playroom between 3 internal walls

    catlad do you have a link for these profiles please
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    DIY Project consevatory/playroom between 3 internal walls

    ok mate i did look into this, but its about £700 for a complete polycarbonate roofing kit where as the timbers only £97 plus the £196 for the pollycarboanate roofing ahh im not sure which way to do it.
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    DIY conservatory/playroom please look i wanna get cracking!!

    It comes under building regs cos its not over the hight limit and not over percentage of the property? Any tips on what i asked no? and no it wont be to cold for the kids mate its gonna have 25mm polycarbonate roofing and a radiator in there and 3 of the walls are facing on internal walls its...
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    DIY conservatory/playroom please look i wanna get cracking!!

    It does come under building regs mate my brother in law looked into that already
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    DIY conservatory/playroom please look i wanna get cracking!!

    I am after some advice i am about to build a very basic conservatory to use as a playroom for the kids, its going to be between 3 main walls so only 1 part will be exposed to the outside weathering. a bit like a U shape. Its going to be 4m long and 2m wide, then when thats complete i may be...
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    DIY Project consevatory/playroom between 3 internal walls

    I am after some advice i am about to build a very basic conservatory to use as a playroom for the kids, its going to be between 3 main walls so only 1 part will be exposed to the outside weathering. a bit like a U shape. Its going to be 4m long and 2m wide, then when thats complete i may be...