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  1. N

    Ventilate internal downstairs toilet.

    Hi all, I’ve got a downstairs WC attached to my utility room. We’ve had an extension built at the back of it and therefore it no longer has any external walls. It looks like we’re starting to get damp patches on one internal wall. Which I presume is due to there being no ventilation. I...
  2. N

    Another internal wall insulation question

    Morning all, Looked on the forum and there are ALOT of different ways to attach insulation to internal walls. Bit confused Want to apply celotex 50mm insulation to 3 internal walls. stick celotex direct to wall - 12.5mm plasterboard - nail-able plugs. stick celotex to wall-...
  3. N

    NOT on benefits and cant seem to get cavity wall insulation

    hi all, i must be doing something wrong. I work full time as does my partner. Were trying to find a company to install cavity wall insulation as the room above the garage is colder than the garage. i've put loft insulation in and insulation in the garage roof as well as boards...