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  1. Angelchops

    Post Bonfire Night Pilgrimage

    Just a reminder to all of the other crusty old codgers like me. It’s that time when we walk the streets with our grandchildren picking up spent rocket sticks because they’re really good for stirring paint. Get out there guys, it’s your duty.
  2. Angelchops

    Central Heating Pressure Vessel - Faulty or just 'gone flat'

    I'd appreciate some advice regarding the pressure vessel on my heating system. We have a regular Worcester Bosch 24ri boiler, not a combi and there is an external pressure vessel fitted. Like most people I bleed all of our radiators once a year at about this time which is what I did the other...
  3. Angelchops

    Parquet Floor - Wrong Finish

    I've just spent the last day or so sanding the 1950s Mahogany Parquet floor in my kitchen. It had previously been varnished so sanding it off with a sandglider floor sander was quite a challenge but I got there in the end and got a really nice finish. So far so good! Now my mistake. I chose...
  4. Angelchops

    Old FUHR 4 roller lock - urgently need latch end - REWARD!

    I moved into a house six months ago with a UPVC front door fitted with an old style 4 roller FUHR lock. The lock seems in good order and works fine using the rollers but the end of the actual door latch itself is missing. It obviously once attached with a single bolt which made it reversible but...