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  1. L

    Fuse Holders to fit into a modern day Distribution Board.

    This is actually one of the beneficial reasons I just really didn't want to go to much into detail and start rambling on lol. My problem is on the fuse holders I have viewed I cant fit the Terminals onto the prongs of the Dist-Boards some because the fuseholder terminal shape is round others...
  2. L

    Fuse Holders to fit into a modern day Distribution Board.

    hahaha good one...! Going back to the original point has anyone every installed a BS 88 fuse holder into a 3 Phase Distribution Board?? Its not the security of the unit I'm worried about. Just wondering if this is feasible? Thanks LoveItLive.
  3. L

    Fuse Holders to fit into a modern day Distribution Board.

    Firstly thanks for your support guys. Sorry don't know how to do the quotes. Why not just buy a BS88 distribution board? They don't usually come with a main isolator so if required you can mount one adjacent to it. This was my Initial Idea but after an hours worth of research yesterday I...
  4. L

    Fuse Holders to fit into a modern day Distribution Board.

    That sounds quite interesting but I could imagine them being fairly dear I will have to look into that...for this current project i'm just looking for suitable Fuseholders that would fit a Distribution Board. Thanks for your time. LoveItLive
  5. L

    Fuse Holders to fit into a modern day Distribution Board.

    Hello, I'm Planning on fitting a 3phase 8 Way Distribution Board but would like to fit it with BS 88 fuses instead of MCBs. This sounds backdated but the reason being I want the fuses to have to be replaced rather than switched back on. I'm struggling to find Fuse Holders with Terminals...