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  1. L

    Grout with dark patches

    Thank you for your responses. Please see photos enclosed. Unfortunately I've had to wet with my finger to show you where the patches show up because today they're behaving due to the warm weather but ultimately when they show up this is what they look like. We've been under the floor again and...
  2. L

    Grout with dark patches

    Hi there, I wonder if anyone could help to shed some light on this issue? We fitted an ensuite last autumn and since the spring we've a number of dark patches appearing in the grout along the first tile line of the shower cubicle and just outside of it. As there was a fault in the sealant...
  3. L

    Constant Water Trickling Down Toilet Bowl (Inside)

    Hi there, Just to revive this thread from the ashes again, our AFV50100 has also turned into an interesting water feature on occasions. We've been able to manage it by either repeatedly pressing the flush button to make the pouring stop or as a preventative measure pressing only the small flush...