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  1. E

    Vaillant ecotec plus 418. Many problems.

    The puzzling thing is this is a big estate so they must have fitted several hundred identical systems before they got to us. How could they have got ours so wrong and not have a clue what they did wrong? Scared to touch any of the controls now :) Most of it was probably the first guy who...
  2. E

    Vaillant ecotec plus 418. Many problems.

    DP, Only NPower were at fault 100% of it.. They did everything. The HA employ them for installation and servicing etc. 2 Guys installed the boiler doing the piping etc, another guy came to wire it up (All from Npower) Initially because we only had the hot water on and no heating the initial...
  3. E

    Vaillant ecotec plus 418. Many problems.

    DP / Agile The old system was removed and the new one installed by Npower on contract to the HA, they do the servicing etc also. This changes every few years. 2 guys came and swapped the boiler and another guy came to wire it up. The guy that fixed it was also in an Npower van. Not someone...
  4. E

    Vaillant ecotec plus 418. Many problems.

    Not that long, possibly under 2 hours with tea breaks and a natter. He actually listened when i mentioned the faults and the boiler did exactly what i said and carried on running even after moving the slider from timed/auto to off. He did a few sketches on a pad of the current wiring and then...
  5. E

    Vaillant ecotec plus 418. Many problems.

    Touching wood and crossing my fingers... It maybe fixed... I phoned them Monday after having the boiler run on after the timershould have switched it off. I moved the sliders to off and the boiler continued to heat up. The house was like a sauna. Seems the electrician they wanted to look at...
  6. E

    Vaillant ecotec plus 418. Many problems.

    I was expecting them to run leads from downstairs to upstairs to verify continuity on a wire, i have done that on cars before. I once found a small carrier bag full of excess wire tucked behind the glovebox of an old Rover SD1. It joined the electric windows and locks on both front doors for...
  7. E

    Vaillant ecotec plus 418. Many problems.

    Well they are going to get another contractor in to have a look, they need to find one first. Anyone wanna call them and put in an offer?
  8. E

    Vaillant ecotec plus 418. Many problems.

    Well i could not sleep again... I made a 4 minute video if its of any use, it seems worse than before? will this work? I had to manually switch the slider off at 7:10 because it was still going even though the room stat was right down. EDIT: just spotted the tap symbol appear and...
  9. E

    Vaillant ecotec plus 418. Many problems.

    The valve in the airing cupboard is ticking now, a constant on/off at approx 1 second intervals possibly a touch faster, it seems warmer than the pipework either side of it. The old valve was perfect, no issues until the new system was installed. I am willing to do some tests myself. I have...
  10. E

    Vaillant ecotec plus 418. Many problems.

    I could wear a Sari and flutter my eyelashes at him if he wishes :) Dont think the missus will though? Which Tony? Not seen anyones profile show as local to me, Birmingham.
  11. E

    Vaillant ecotec plus 418. Many problems.

    The saga continues... 2 guys have been here since 10am and checked every wire yet they cannot get it to switch both the hot water and the heating on at the same time. The guys left having switched both sliders on the controller to OFF and im sitting here thinking its getting warmer. The boiler...
  12. E

    Vaillant ecotec plus 418. Many problems.

    Yeah, the electrician does use a meter and had print outs of the wiring diagram. I have a feeling if they do sort it they will just say it was a faulty wire or something and be a bit coy about the actual fault. If the wiring is faulty then how did the original system work perfectly and...
  13. E

    Vaillant ecotec plus 418. Many problems.

    They are at least admitting there is a proper fault now and its not me imagining it or making it up. I think the fact they know ive been over to the office to complain may have nudged them to work harder. This was just a verbal complaint over the counter with the reception. If i need to take...
  14. E

    Vaillant ecotec plus 418. Many problems.

    Reading through it though and taking in mind each test may have been days apart, I will try and do the full test from cold at the weekend, currently got builders in who keep using the water and turning the power off to verify the results All fine upto ********************* Hot water and...
  15. E

    Vaillant ecotec plus 418. Many problems.

    Even more still Fedup, Plumber and electrician changed the valve again, and changed the programmer and still no worky. EDIT: they replaced the valve in the airing cupboard and the timer/programmer to the old original style one and still no fix. They said they need to come back and check...
  16. E

    Vaillant ecotec plus 418. Many problems.

    Well i am still FEDUP. The guy was great went through all the wiring and it appears to be switching what it should when it should. Yet the valve near the tank is either on water only or heating only. It doesnt seem to want to goto the middle position and have both heat and hot water. The...
  17. E

    Vaillant ecotec plus 418. Many problems.

    Well, some so called supervisor came around and almost agreed with me that it is not working as it should. BUT tried to blame some of the issues on the room stat being too close to a radiator. Its only slightly more than a door width away and 49" if measured. Yet the old stat worked fine for 18...
  18. E

    Vaillant ecotec plus 418. Many problems.

    Whats everyones best guess. Water and heating set to timed, heating was on last night but the water was cooling down. Before i went to bed i switched the water onto always on leaving the heating on timed. Normally i switch it back to timed but forgot last night. Today lovely scalding hot...
  19. E

    Vaillant ecotec plus 418. Many problems.

    Only verbal at this point, Supervisor is coming out tomorrow. So we shall see what they say. Today we have hot water only and no heating. Just had to turn the water off to get the heating on. Within 1 minute of moving the water heating slider to off the boiler fired up and started heating the...
  20. E

    Vaillant ecotec plus 418. Many problems.

    Yeah Dan, Going into their office tomorrow to make an official complaint and to stress that if that guy comes back i wont be letting him in. I really have the urge to get it ripped out and say i think i have a gas leak whilst dropping the boiler onto their counter. Mogget, The bill has...