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  1. R

    Using a two gang light switch for two way and one way lighting

    Thank's. As I posted above, I have gone back to where the power was coming from in the first place. There I have the live neutral and earth, so all is safe. I just now have to bury the wire. Better than having to start adding new wires. Thanks for your input anyway.
  2. R

    Using a two gang light switch for two way and one way lighting

    I thought that might be the problem, no neutral. I had the single light wired into the downstairs loo circuit, but as I have now got to bury the cable in the wall before I decorate and the fact the wall is breeze block, I thought I would try and run a shorter method by using the two way circuit...
  3. R

    Using a two gang light switch for two way and one way lighting

    I am thinking of fitting a two gang switch in place of the single switch that works the stairs light. I would like one switch to power the two way stairs light and the other switch to power a single light at the bottom of the stair. The wires in the two way are yellow, red, blue. The yellow...
  4. R

    Temporary wall light removal

    Not sure which way to take the question, but according to the letting agent, if any electrical work is carried out, that my daughter wants, (presumably the Landlord is happy with his style of light fitting), she has to make sure that it will not be faulty and burn his house down. Should the...
  5. R

    Temporary wall light removal

    Thanks Sparkwright, never thought of that. Sometimes the simple things flow over my head. Ceiling rose!, wall!, does not compute!!!
  6. R

    Temporary wall light removal

    My daughter has moved into rented property for twelve months or so. She wants me to take down the horrible wall lights and take down and blank off one of the ceiling lights. She will have to get an Electrical certificate to prove any alterations are safe. So- What is the best way to temporarily...