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  1. D

    New CU, suit you Sir

    Haha, no a torque driver was not used, I've screwed enough screws to know what's enough, suffice to say they are correct and no the Mcb frames are distorted so they don't operate correctly. Rings, radials comes down to terminology, as far as I'm concerned schematically it looks like a ring. I...
  2. D

    New CU, suit you Sir

    Well Thanks for all the helpful advice guys.. useful as it wasn't, I did it anyway, the local electrician has finished checking and given me the test papers (no install papers obviously) but all's good, well it is now if I hadn't of done it or looked into my houses wiring further then I would...
  3. D

    New CU, suit you Sir

    Fair enough, Ill do it anyway. Good day gentlemen. P.S. I had an idea the two wires out the top of the mcb would be two separate circuits, I would have said that's bad practice but apparently not and is legit so there you go, now I know.
  4. D

    New CU, suit you Sir

    I see the way this thread will go now, don't bother with advise just show off how big my brain is etc. I know Part P notification yadda yadda etc etc. I'm a mechanical design engineer by my trade ok so that means I studied harder at school than you, the reason I don't know why two wires come out...
  5. D

    New CU, suit you Sir

    Hello all, I’m looking for logic check on some work I’m planning to do, it’s quite a read so settle in, but please check my logic, anything else I should do or check? First things first, no I’m not a qualified electrician but am a competent person, well at least more competent than the...