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  1. Stefan2

    Question about burning coal and wood in fireplace

    I did put "wet" in quotes. As you say, I stack the logs in a covered shelter next to the house, where they dry naturally for over a year. However, the point is that I'm just using "naturally dried" wood, not "kiln-dried" wood.
  2. Stefan2

    Question about burning coal and wood in fireplace

    Yes - but coming back to my original question which was basically "can I fit some sort of filter to my chimney so I can carry on burning coal and "wet" wood"? (since a filter would remove the harmful pollutants...)
  3. Stefan2

    Question about burning coal and wood in fireplace

    This government press release indicates that restrictions on the *sale* of coal and wet wood for home burning came into force from 1 May 2021. "People with log burners and open fires can still use...
  4. Stefan2

    Question about burning coal and wood in fireplace

    I emailed Exodraft and received reply that We are launching a product called ESP10 in beginning of 2022. This is a filter designed for closed wood burning fireplaces. This will not be suitable for you needs. I cannot tell you if / when we will have a product ready for the use that you describe...
  5. Stefan2

    Question about burning coal and wood in fireplace

    Hi, I live in Scotland in an area that is not (currently) a smoke control area, and burn house coal and seasoned wood (not kiln dried, simply dried in the wood store next to the house) in our open fire, i.e. a traditional fireplace. I read (here that...