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  1. M

    Hive receiver output pins

    Thanks Stem - I think I need to get the whole thing isolated to check there's no wiring pushing a live back to it from the HW output as you suggest. Otherwise it's faulty then by the sounds of it. Thanks for the help - just wanted to check this wasn't 'normal' and I was being dim..
  2. M

    Hive receiver output pins

    Thanks - I tried switching it in and out of gravity mode but it has this behavior in both normal and gravity modes!
  3. M

    Hive receiver output pins

    Thanks, sorry I should have been clearer - The Hive itself is making pin 4 live for HW activation as well as CH activation. I need a live for CH alone to motor my valve but surprisingly Pin4 also goes live from the programmer for HW too...
  4. M

    Hive receiver output pins

    Hi I've installed hive on my older Y plan heating system. The dual channel Hive receiver has replaced the dual channel old programmer on the same backplate. My issue is that pin 4 on the Hive receiver (CH On) goes live for both heating and HW activation. I'm struggling to make this work for my 3...