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  1. L

    Damp patch on internal party wall

    Hello, we have moved into an older house for a couple of months and noticed a damp patch on the party wall (rear bedroom, Victorian terrace). Any thoughts as to what might be causing this? Roof? The patch was dry September to November and has only recently started to be visibly damp and...
  2. L

    Energy saving bulbs compatible with old dimmers

    Hi, trying to find energy saving bulbs compatible with old dimmer (that won't produce buzzing). Any advice would be much appreciated!
  3. L

    Cover/hide TV socket

    Hi, I am looking to cover an old FM/TV socket for aesthetic reasons - no intention to use the socket, just leave it in place and cover it with a clip on plate, so it looks a bit nicer. Does such a thing exist? I can only find full socket replacements.
  4. L

    Rehau or Aluplast Ideal 70 upvc door?

    Hello, we are looking to replace a upvc door and have two quotes, one slightly more for a Rehau door, the other for an Aluplast Ideal 70 one. Would anyone have recommendations as to which one might be better? The price difference is around £130. A third option is Halo System 10, similar to...
  5. L

    Restoring wood floors

    Hello, We are looking to restore our old wood floors (Victorian terrace), took out the carpets, and this is what we found (picture attached). Do they seem in good enough condition to look nicely if restored? Or would replacement be recommended? Thickness is about 18-20mm. Any advice would be...
  6. L

    External wall crack above window

    Hello, we are looking to buy a house and noticed a diagonal crack above the top floor window. Should we be concerned? Windows did not seem stiff, though we forgot to check the doors! Other things we noticed on the top floor: moving floorboards under carpet, wardrobe leaning forward in one room...