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  1. D

    EPDM or Zinc

    Hi, I am having an extension added to my house and am currently researching which roofing material to use. I like the look of Zinc and from what I have read EPDM seems to be the best low cost option (compared to felt and Fibreglass). Before I get some quotes in, does anyone have any...
  2. D

    Floor Boxes with wooden floorboards

    Hi, I have seen a few posts here, but cannot determine if the sunken floor boxes (pic below) are suitable for standard floor boards. Obviously I would need to add noggins, but am concerned with the size of the box and the chunk of floorboards needed to be cut out to fit it. I...
  3. D

    6 bar pump too much?

    Hi, I have been given a 6 bar twin impellar pump, and wondered if I could use this to boost my 'chase the water' shower. I have a 50 gallon cold water tank feeding a hot water cylinder (think its about 150l), with a Surrey flange on top. From what I have read a 2bar pump is all I really...
  4. D

    Fireplace edging

    Hi, We have just moved into a new house, and I have opened up the chimney, to convert back to use for real open fire. I am putting in lime render back, with brick side cheeks (these are away from cradle fire so should not be a problem). However I would like to keep it quite simple...
  5. D

    Meeting of 2 colours on door frame?

    Hi, I am about to repaint the lounge, hallway (down and upstairs) and dining room - I know I'm a glutten for punishment! What I would like to do is have an offwhite/cream colour for the lounge and hallway, with a green in the dining room BUT the lounge and hall will have a brown painted...