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  1. H

    Wrong primer on garage door

    Hi there, My garage door needed repainting and I have primed bare spots with a primer for non ferrous metal which I've discovered is the wrong one as the door is made of ferrous metal! Just wanted to ask do I need to get it all off back to the bare metal before using the correct primer? If so...
  2. H

    missing boiler part

    Please could you explain to me in layman's terms the implications of a missing flow regulator/filter from the DHW inlet pipe.Thanks.
  3. H

    more info on my HE

    I recently posted regarding a two year old Ideal Isar with a limescaled HE that needs replacing.At the time of installation the thermostat remained uncommissioned for about 6-7 weeks so it read 24 instead of 21 which we'd set it to.During this time the magnetic scale reducer had not yet been...
  4. H

    Heat exchanger replacement

    Hello there! I'm looking for opinions regarding my Ideal Isar boiler. It is only two years old and the hot water pressure is SERIOUSLY reduced.I had it inspected today and was told the heat exchanger is badly crudded up and needs replacing!Although I live in a hard water area this still seems...