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  1. C

    Rules about water meters etc.

    It's only one of those easy-set pools (inflatable ring and then rises as you fill it with water) so probably not worth that, but would make it a darn sight easier than having to move it round the garden to spare the grass. I was trying to think of a better way of supporting it off the grass but...
  2. C

    Rules about water meters etc.

    Thanks for the response. I see what you mean about the whole neighbours thing (although it would be 10,000 litres overall, but I guess that's neither here nor there when you're talking about that much water). On the other hand, since I have just started a job at a company that has a gym, I...
  3. C

    Rules about water meters etc.

    Hi, I am planning on buying one of those above ground (temporary)swimming pools for the garden but was concerned about the water usage issues what with them being so large. I have searched various sources and have received conflicting information, so I was wondering if someone might know about...
  4. C

    Remortaring the patio

    Ah sorry, should have been more clear. It wasn't my blasting shenanigans that stripped the mortar, it's just very old and had crumbled anyway. I just got the urge to fill it in, having made the slabs look nice again. I'll check that link out... thanks.
  5. C

    Remortaring the patio

    Hi, I have just spent a warm (wet) Sunday jetwashing the patio and , three hours and two changes of shoes later, have made it come up sparkling. I noticed while I was doing it that a lot of the original mortar has crumbled away, almost to nothing in some cases, and that there are now huge gaps...