
  1. C

    Step Stair Cracks in external Brickwork / Thermal Expansion,Shrinkage or Subsidence?

    Looking for some advice if possible. We've noticed a few cracks (photos attached) on the external walls of our property and would like to get others' opinions. We are located in Essex, where most homes are built on clay. The site was previously scrubland, so we believe our house and others in...
  2. R

    LEDs and dimmers, Stepped dimmers?

    Hello, We've got LED downlights in the kitchen (spec below). I'd like to change the light switch to a dimmer. 1. Anyone got a suggestion of good dimmer switches for these lights? We've used Varilight JQP252W V-Pro dimmers for other rooms but the dimmers are a bit variable (different LEDs at...