25 Years of Predicting The Global Warming ‘Tipping Point’.

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I don't see the link between individuals and businesses making money from renewable energy and climate change being supported by the overwhelming majority of climate change scientists?

Unless you mean that the scientific community is a commodity can be bought wholesale?
So if enough boffins spout on about that large amounts of C02 gas are destroying the ozone layer, and force a summit and as a result countries are forced to clean up the air, what do you think happens next?

Industrial people start rubbing their hands, that's what.

Wind turbine people.

Car exhaust people.

Aircraft people.

Industrial chimney filter people.

Etc etc, blah blah.

If you think that people don't profit from this then you are extremely naïve. You don't suppose that these industrial rich kids may even subsidise scientific research do you?

Rare, but I agree with you.

I actually find it quite offensive that you would dismiss many years of research by some of our planets brightest minds as "some boffin spouting".

If you don't think the majority of the public are able to ascertain who is funding the research, then establish for themselves whether it is biased, you are the one that is naive.

Climate change seems to be such a rare paradox, where the average chap on the street chooses not to believe scientific research ( which is, of course, peer reviewed) and just believes what they read in the local rag or on a website.

I hope your right and I'm wrong, and it is all about money etc, and the scientific community have been bribed by corporations into falsifying their research, loosing the respect of their peers and destroying their life's work in the process. The opposite result is too grave to consider it appears.....

I would be staggered if the climate isn't changing - if such an intricate and complex living system was unfailingly stable, I'd be thinking "Creator" :)

I would think it likely that human intervention has a part in the current change. Doesn't mean I have to swallow every word a scientist says on the subject, though.

And it is not just the windmill makers who make money out of this. Every company that signs up to an ISO has to demonstrate "continuous improvement", some of which is linked to reducing climatic impact. So, there are thousands of consultants charging £4-500 per day, in part because of climate change.
Although, I have no real problem with them requiring their clients to be less wasteful.

More pernicious though, are the financial entities, who are hedging their investments, and will make a killing if the climate goes south.In some perverse way, their gambling might be seen as a driver for good, but all I see is some getting hugely wealthy while others in some far-flung land starve,drown, or succumb to whatever other fate awaits them.
Here in the province back in January, wind supplied nearly 50% of electricity needs.
It's averaging about one fifth of total supply.
Not too shabby.

Heard yesterday that turbines are being slapped with council tax rates.
Seems like an incentive not to erect one.

If your running a business using 50 kva or over then one of the big 250kva turbines will really pay off.
Guess that's why councils will want to stick their oar in.
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