my sister in law has a honeywell y system with a programmer situated in the hall it is a cm51 the bungalow is about 16 yrs old, she has just been on holiday and asked me to turn on her boiler for her ( she said the switch on the boiler ) that is a glowworm fan assisted open vented boiler around the same age of the house, but before turning on the boiler i checked to see if the pump was running, it was and had been all the time she had been on holiday (albeit circulating cold water ) my question is this well i have two
1. does the honeywell cm51 have a provision to control the hot water timed etc or does it just control the room temp like a room stat with programmable features for the central heating side
2. she stated to me that she turned the boiler off because the small radiator in her hall got hot when just hot water was called for
this makes not sense to me, surely the pipe configeration of the y plan system is that when room stat calls for heat the rads get hot
and when satisifield they will go cold
why should just that rad get hot when it is for the domestic hot water side

1. does the honeywell cm51 have a provision to control the hot water timed etc or does it just control the room temp like a room stat with programmable features for the central heating side
2. she stated to me that she turned the boiler off because the small radiator in her hall got hot when just hot water was called for
this makes not sense to me, surely the pipe configeration of the y plan system is that when room stat calls for heat the rads get hot
and when satisifield they will go cold
why should just that rad get hot when it is for the domestic hot water side