Another idiot driving experience.

24 Feb 2004
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United Kingdom
TOL said:
Speed cheat trapped by web boast

Quite properly paying the penalty for 'pulling a' stroke thought to be burgeoning, have said before tis a far greater offence .. perverting the course of justice.. maybe perjury ...

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A couple of anomalies spring to mind with this, how did the police link the website boasts to the particular court case and individuals involved and secondly, how the case would be brought back to court with all the costs incurred on the hope that the person involved would admit in court that the boasts were nothing more than bravado in a chat room.
For a case to be brought successfully and the two to be sentenced to tagging an admission of guilt in court would have to be entered which would be extremely silly of the person/s involved.
Sometimes i wonder how much artistic licence is used by reporters in their articles.
Are you denying the validity of this report ?

Cumbria paper ---LINK

Both persons actually exist in Clapham, South London, if you old Kendor, are correct and the report is a fabrication, I hope they sue the Times, News & Star and Cumbria-on-line !!
pipme said:
Are you denying the validity of this report ?

Cumbria paper ---LINK

Both persons actually exist in Clapham, South London, if you old Kendor, are correct and the report is a fabrication, I hope they sue the Times, News & Star and Cumbria-on-line !!
Did say would have to be extremely silly. the artistic licence bit is not all the facts of the case and the evidence leading up to it was reported therefore to get an admission of guilt out of someone on such flimsy evidence is very strange or the individuals involved are very stupid.
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BTW Some post (too) many details on the web site in question.

I am guessing a bet or need for a little infamy, or perhaps a law abiding person who made a silly, regretable mistake in trying to pass points to the French girl friend.

.....Their barristers said it was a mystery why they had decided to do it, since Quas had a clean licence.....

Obviously I did not post this as a warning !! Just out of interest ... and may lead someone to an interest little web site - given the camera chatter.
Driving home this p.m on normal rural A road ie 2 lane with about 5 `safe'
overtaking spots ,caught up with Kreg audi estate who was crawling behind a moped which he eventually took on a blind xraod junction.He subsequently meandered at 35,braked on every corner[even when goig uphill].Being patient and mellow and knowing the road and feeling moderatly humane towards grockles I didn`t tailgate or get aggressive....
Until;audi @ 35, clear straight,I indicate and over take YEAH right.LittleS*D
puts boot down .Get past at 85and pulling cos builders lorry just come into
Where do these ars**oles come from.
Sorry bout the rant but V hacked off
I can't stand those people. Ever noticed how 9 times out of 10, once you have pulled in and lift off to get yourself back down to something legal they slow right back down to their original speed? As if they are trying to say "Look buster, I know the DFT and the council have made this a 60mph road, I know there is a 3-mile long straight ahead of us with no hidden dips or cars approaching, but I want to drive at 35 and therefore everyone has to drive at 35. And I'll risk your life if I have to, just so you have to drive at 35 too!"

You are respecting their wish to have a slow enjoyable drive in the country by waiting and overtaking sensibly instead of tooting and flashing. Their life is far more stressful worrying about you behind them than if you were in front of them.

So why can't they respect your desire to get where you are going in a reasonable time? It really doesn't hurt them if you do a sensible overtake manoeuvre.

I can understand why some people drive slowly. We are privileged to have some beautiful countryside, and on occasion, on quiet country lanes I can't help but slow down to marvel at it. But you have to appreciate that the guy behind you might do this road every day and is sick of the smell of cow pats!

Sometimes you have to reel yourself in though... There's a brilliant road I have driven on a few times. It is this Roman road in Hertfordshire that has one bit that is probably a mile, maybe two miles, dead straight into a dip (quite steeply too!). Every time I see it I want to nail it past the guy in front just to see how quickly I can go down it :LOL: Of course, hitting the bottom of a dip at 120-130mph (yes, it is THAT steep and long!) might not be a good idea.
AdamW said:
Sometimes you have to reel yourself in though... There's a brilliant road I have driven on a few times. It is this Roman road in Hertfordshire that has one bit that is probably a mile, maybe two miles, dead straight into a dip (quite steeply too!). Every time I see it I want to nail it past the guy in front just to see how quickly I can go down it :LOL: Of course, hitting the bottom of a dip at 120-130mph (yes, it is THAT steep and long!) might not be a good idea.
Yup, there's one of those here too. Look, it's even specially marked on the map!


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