anyone know a ford radio v code

28 Mar 2008
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United Kingdom
had to have a new battery fitted today,and even after i told the fitters i didnt have the radio code they ignored me,so just wondered if anyone here has the software to generate a code?i took the stereo out this afternoon to obtain the serial number etc.
thanks muchly.
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Ford dealer should be able to help just need Reg No. Mind you they may want a fee but worth trying a pretty please approach first :D

Have you checked the service book fairly sure my old Ford had it written in.
i have search the net and even tried a m8 whos a bit of a 'jack sparrow';) ;) ,and it appears the 'v' codes are a closed shop.
local ice shop wanted £45,
i phoned the supplying dealer who said they need the car to get the serial number,and as they were miles from i went to my local 1 who said the same thing and the charge would be £15,but they were to busy and i would have to book it in,my reply to them was why wasnt it supplied in the paper work,and the reply was 'oh we dont do that any more' really then why the fook do i have a plastic radio card in the books then? think this is just yet another cash scam by the dealers.i have now taken the stereo out to obtain the serial number,i will try the supplying dealer again tomorrow and try and speak to someone else.
there are peeps on ebay who apparently have the software to do this so i will give them a try.

jonnyfishing i tried to enter my details etc on there last night and they didnt list my radio.
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thanks again,did find a few on ebay last night and was going to use 1 of them but,
i decided to try the supplying dealer again and got hold of a really helpful chap,but said i had bought the car new from them and nowhere in the paper work was the code for the radio,no probs was the reply it should be on our system.and within seconds he gave me the code F.O.C,
happy days i now dont have to listen the the missus or kids as i now have SOUNDS :LOL: