18 Feb 2007
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United Kingdom
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I would like to know what data they are being accused of stealing..
No Idea, but if you read the article I have given the link for there are a few suggestions in there, but I lost 9gB one day when I wasn't using my machine. The only way I can control this data stealing is switch of my Wi-Fi. and do the deselection of iCloud and the like. But if I forget and leave my Wi-Fi connected I can loose 1gB in a very short space of time.
The link I gave is written by someone far more knowledgable than I, and he/she has argued with Apple for 4 months about it and Apple have accepted they are taking data in the background and refuse to do anything about it. Everything was OK before upgrading to Yosemite, but on limited download, this data stealing without my consent is a real issue.
Apple Store people don't seem to know anything about it but I assure you it is a real issue.
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Maybe the suggestions make no sense but I think the author has had a lot of discussions with Apple and Apple seem to accept it is happening as they have tried to negotiate with his ISP.
All I know is that I also get outrageously excessive download since migrating to Yosemite OS and have no idea where it is all going. I do not understand the intricacies of the Internet but I experience these downloads with out question.
If this author is not making sense , then perhaps you could offer me a suggestion of what is going on.
I am not downloading games , video's, You Tube and use my machine for small amounts of domestic Data but never 9bB in a day.
I have experienced this since Migrating to Yosemite, and done all I can with my very limited Knowledge to identify the Download source as indeed the Author did, only in his case Apple admitted they were taking the data as recorded by the authors ISP. Seems pretty conclusive to me, but my knowledge is very very limited.
Please suggest some viable alternative.
I'm not disputing the data is moving, but what it is, exactly where it's going, and what the owner may have to do with it are totally unknown.

Until someone with half a clue looks at the problem.
Apple have looked at it, and have accepted they are doing it and refuse to do anything about it, according to the article.
The article is quite clear about his/her investigations and discussions with Apple.
What they are doing is illegal in my book, but who has the finances to take Apple on, I certainly haven't, nor do I have the expertise to challenge their actions. But I am suffering the same download problem as the author and of that there is no doubt.[/b]
What they're doing is illegal? What, moving data around with a connection you supply to them?

It may be poorly thought out and engineered (or it may not.. let's see what this data is..), but illegal? Really? They're not stealing anything, you gave them permission.
The way I understand it Apple will ping your devices every 2 seconds. Your device sends data to Apple servers to keep all your devices in sync.

That action uses your data allowance but how that can be construed as theft. Mind you in States that might warrant a claim in the Judge Judy court!

What seems, and I may be wrong, with the latest OS upgrade Apple have either introduced this feature, made it happen more often or it is just simply Apple has now enabled this feature by default and people have been caught unaware until they find their data allowance being used without being aware how or why.
The way I understand it Apple will ping your devices every 2 seconds. Your device sends data to Apple servers to keep all your devices in sync.

That action uses your data allowance but how that can be construed as theft. Mind you in States that might warrant a claim in the Judge Judy court!

And yet how in the hell can that achieve 7GB of transfer? It doesn't add up.
That is how I understand it. Why I consider it theft is that Apple have not asked my permission to ping my computer every two seconds and have done it by default with no way that I know of to disable it. If like me you are on a limited contract, Apple very quickly use up my allowance and if I go over 15Gb in any month I am charged 10p per mB download and that equates to £100 per gB - Very Excessive I know.
If some one takes some thing from you with out permission, I consider that theft.
In order to Sync your devices then Pinging is necessary although every two seconds is a bit much, but I don't have any devices Synchronised, as such no need for Apple to Ping me, but I can't stop it.
I didn't ask for them to Sync, but I can't stop them.
This is theft in my boof, namely thieving my Data allowance with out my permission.
Why I consider it theft is that Apple have not asked my permission to ping my computer every two seconds and have done it by default with no way that I know of to disable it.

I suspect you should read all the terms and conditions you agreed to.

In order to Sync your devices then Pinging is necessary

Actually, it's not.

although every two seconds is a bit much

Also not..

This is theft in my boof, namely thieving my Data allowance with out my permission.

I strongly doubt it's without your permission.

You tell me Monkesh - But it does

It is by no means proven that it does, and I can't tell you, I'm not the one with the Apple device.
Constructive criticism would be nice and helpful Monkesh.
I can really assure you, along with the author of the article I posted, THAT IT DOES.
Or maybe you can offer some other helpful comment as to how I can lose 9gB of data in 5 hours whilst not using my machine with no applications running.
If you can then I may be able to look at some other source of data transfer.
The author of the article has discussed it with Apple and they agree they are taking the data, but maybe you know better than Apple. If you do, please share your wealth of knowledge to nuggets such as myself.
Constructive criticism would be nice and helpful Monkesh.
I can really assure you, along with the author of the article I posted, THAT IT DOES.
Or maybe you can offer some other helpful comment as to how I can lose 9gB of data in 5 hours whilst not using my machine with no applications running.

You can assure me data is moving and I don't dispute that. Blaming it on 'pings every 2 seconds' is ridiculous and makes no sense.
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