bathroom radiator not working

8 Nov 2007
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United Kingdom
Hi all, the radiator in the bathroom of my rental property is not working at all (others are fine). A local company checked it and said possible blockage. Recommended replacing TRV and attempting to restore flow. They originally quoted £198+vat.

Then they visited and came back with the report:
"Supplied and installed replacement thermostatic radiator valve, run/pumped pipework to attempt to clear, still no flow. Pipework must be blocked at manifold/pipe reduction point. We would need to charge your hourly rate of £55 per hour plus materials plus VAT to investigate further. We would hope this to take 3-6 hours."

I am concerned that it could cost me hundreds of pounds and still not solving the problem. Any advice would be much appreciated.
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Presume it’s grey plastic pipe ? Blocked pipes tend to block at the valves or at the point they tee into the main run .
If all others work fine, I’d say it’s not blocked imo. Possible balancing issue (has it been removed recently?), possibly a kink if plastic piping, do any of the pipes get hot?
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