Brexit: Boris Johnson's father 'applies for French passport'

a novel idea son , how can I vote for a MEP in a general election, you seem to be drifting further and further away from the truth as we speak.
It might help you to check you facts before posting Old Bean.

By the way, why are so angry all the time? Are you unable to debate politely
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You voted for Johnson.

You are an accessory to mass murder.
Please Notchy.....You are better than that.

You want Govt advice....He has given it...Stay apart...Many take no notice...Are they accessories too?...Or is it still Boris's fault?
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Boris Johnson's father is in the process of applying for a French passport to maintain his ties with Europe after Brexit.

Stanley Johnson, a former MEP who voted Remain in the referendum, has requested to become a French citizen as his mother Irene was born in Versailles.

The move was revealed by the prime minister's sister Rachel, an ardent Europhile, in her new book, Rake's Progress.

Ms Johnson said that her father is “en route to becoming a French citizen, as his mother had been born in Versailles and his grandmother had been in Paris”.

She added: “This is good news — I might be able to become French too.”



What's sensational about this?
Everyday people apply to obtain all sorts of passports if they qualify.
What's bothering you?

What's sensational about this?
Everyday people apply to obtain all sorts of passports if they qualify.
What's bothering you?

If they can Boris can too so he has no need to worry.
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