can I paint over anti mould paint?

4 Feb 2013
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United Kingdom
I got some mould issue on the wall and this is what I did:
1. cleaned the mould with anti mould spray
2. painted the area with THOMPSONS ONE COAT DAMP SEAL.

After the paint is dry, can I paint it over with normal paint? Or that will make the mould issue comes back?

The reason I ask is that I can't really remember the color I used to paint the place. I found the old container with word Lauren on it. But I couldn't find an anti mould paint that matches colour Lauren.
But when I googled it, b&q sells color Lauren beige, is beige the color I should go for? As there are anti mould paint that is in color beige.



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Yes its fine to paint over and someone else asked (which i didnt screenshot) if it was ok to wallpaper over, and the answer was yes to that too.

In many cases the mold is the result of condensation. If the condensation has not been addressed, you may well find the mold reappears on the emulsion. The problem with matt emulsion is that as you wash away new mold growth you invariably end up washing the emulsion off too.

Condensation is most likely to be found on (cold) exterior walls and particularly in corners in houses that have solid 9" walls.

Years ago, whilst I was away, my GF decided to repaint the bedroom matt emulsion walls with water based eggshell. As soon as winter arrived I noticed that we had yellow streaks of water running down the walls below the windows. The matt had previously absorbed the moisture from our breath, the eggshell repelled it.

There is a lot to be said for leaving windows slightly open over night, it allows a lot of the moist air to escape. If you don't want to do that (assuming that it is a bedroom) then you will need to consider a small dehumidifier or add an thermal membrane to the outward facing walls.
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In many cases the mold is the result of condensation. If the condensation has not been addressed, you may well find the mold reappears on the emulsion. The problem with matt emulsion is that as you wash away new mold growth you invariably end up washing the emulsion off too.

Condensation is most likely to be found on (cold) exterior walls and particularly in corners in houses that have solid 9" walls.

Years ago, whilst I was away, my GF decided to repaint the bedroom matt emulsion walls with water based eggshell. As soon as winter arrived I noticed that we had yellow streaks of water running down the walls below the windows. The matt had previously absorbed the moisture from our breath, the eggshell repelled it.

There is a lot to be said for leaving windows slightly open over night, it allows a lot of the moist air to escape. If you don't want to do that (assuming that it is a bedroom) then you will need to consider a small dehumidifier or add an thermal membrane to the outward facing walls.
thanks, regarding to thermal membrane, can't I just install a passive vent on the wall? think it is much cheaper that way

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