City firms prepare to shift £800bn out of UK as Brexit looms

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17 May 2012
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United Kingdom
OK, breaking my rule. Makes you wonder, how will those millions we are saving going to help get out of this one? I worked in The City for 12 years. I saw the effects of the 2008 crash, saw Lehmans collpase, watched as back office departments got outsourced to India, and then saw my own job go to Glasgow in a cost cutting move.

This is going to hurt a lot of people. Hard brexit will almost definitely lead to the property market crash that so many estate agents are predicting.

Will be an interesting year. But lets not speculate too much, instead, plan for success in an uncertain future. Stay positive people!
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Will be an interesting year. But lets not speculate too much, instead, plan for success in an uncertain future. Stay positive people!
Maybe we should instigate the 'four pests' campaign in this country...

bojo, garbage, smogg and w anks...
I listened to a finance guy on LBC saying the London market is still doing lots of business and in fact the huge numbers of jobs planned to move to Paris, Frankfurt etc has not happened. What has happened is that small satellite offices have been set up in preparation.

Although Europe want to steal the UK financial services they havent made much preparations to do so.

Clearly the European countries would like to get their hands on the 1 trillion Euro trades that go through London every day......

There is no point speculating about no deal -it aint gonna happen.

Its being talked up by TM at the moment, its all a load of propaganda. Although the reason is claimed to be to frighten the EU into a better deall, I think it is being done to marginalise the Brextremists in the Tory party -the more scare stories merge, the more their support will wane until the piont is reached where their influence over TM and the government is small enough to be ignored.
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Although Europe want to steal the UK financial services they havent made much preparations to do so.
They won't be 'stealing' the business, because as always some people need to continually be reminded that the UK is leaving the EU - not the other way around!

And leaving the biggest trading bloc in the world will have serious financial consequences for the UK...

Business goes where the best opportunities lie...

And a 60 million country on its own versus a 440 million (set to grow) bloc is a very easy choice to make!
They won't be 'stealing' the business, because as always some people need to continually be reminded that the UK is leaving the EU - not the other way around!

Rubbish, of course they want to steal financial services -or it could be said they will use Brexit as an opportunity to steal financial services.

You can think they 'have' to steal financial services if you want, if it keeps you happy spouting your narrative :ROFLMAO:
When you resign from the golf club, the remaining members will continue to play. One of them might park his car in the vacant space that you formerly used.

Stop whining.
When you resign from the golf club, the remaining members will continue to play. One of them might park his car in the vacant space that you formerly used.

Stop whining.
Another moaner bolox of an analogy
Also, watch out because on the stroke of midnight on 31 Dec 1999, the power will be going off, the phone system will crash, your PC will be obsolete, planes will be dropping out of the sky....... Wait! Oh, ignore that, it’s okay, that didn’t happen either.
You don't really need analogies with Brexit, soon Brexit will be the analogy.
Two things to remember about the 'experts' peddling Armageddon post Brexit. Firstly, none of these clever people saw the 2008 crash coming. Secondly, many of them recommended that we join the Euro.
Rubbish, of course they want to steal financial services
"Steal: to take (another person's property) without permission or legal right and without intending to return it."

Companies are voluntarily moving assets out of the UK...

If you on the other hand think EU countries are 'stealing' these assets, then you must report this 'crime' and get it stopped...

Every day in every way you are making yourself look more and more stupid, notchy...

But do keep it up - it's a moral booster! (y)
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