Dominic Grieve Last Stand

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom

If I lived in beaconsfield I would campaign for Grieve. It's a great read.

“If we go into Europe,” he said, “we go in… as one of the great states… If we go into an Atlantic Community, can it be as anything other than the 51st state?”

“He would be very pained to see that I and the Conservative Party had parted company. But then he would be extremely pained to see what the Conservative Party was doing to itself.” Would he understand? “Oh,” said Grieve, “I think he’d understand perfectly.”

“The way he raises tension and then suddenly drops it away is classic Maoist stuff. You create turmoil in order to achieve your objectives. And then you relax the turmoil and people say, ‘Oh, how wonderful. We’re being offered the way out.’”

When I spoke to Ken Clarke, who was also driven out of the Tory party on 4 September after 49 years as an MP, he saw parallels with how Cummings had operated as the head of Vote Leave in the 2016 European referendum. “The Leave campaign was going in for dog-whistle racism, with Michael Gove going on about millions of Turks – and wink, wink, they’re brown and Muslim – who would come here if we didn’t get out. And what was it Boris was going on about? All this money for the health service. It was the worst style of dishonest campaigning, but it was brilliantly successful.”

“Boris was resigned to no deal,” said Ken Clarke, when we met in his London home two weeks before the election. “All his efforts were at first put into blaming Europe and blaming parliament.”

Johnson, said Clarke, was now “desperate for a deal. He’d go for anything. That’s why in the end there was no proper negotiating. It was all settled by a one-to-one meeting between him and Irish Taoiseach Leo Varadkar [held in Cheshire 10 October]. An hour and a half. On their own. They shook hands and did the deal.”

“Now Varadkar was able to do that,” Clarke continued, “confident the [EU] 28 would be all right, because what he shook hands on was what the EU had already agreed to offer Theresa May 12 or 18 months before. It was quite obvious from what Johnson said afterwards that he hadn’t understood what he was agreeing to. He had not recognised it as the original EU proposal. He still refuses to accept that he signed up to a customs union down the Irish Sea.”

Grieve had spent large parts of the hustings being attacked – explicitly by the Brexit Party candidate, implicitly by the equally pro-Brexit Tory. And yet he scarcely reacted. Why? “Anger is something I tried to control a long time ago. I very rarely get angry with anybody. Anger contributes very, very little to achieving anything. I learned that lesson as a teenager, I think, when I was very angry because my sister was unwell and everything was going wrong around me.”
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Grieve had spent large parts of the hustings being attacked – explicitly by the Brexit Party candidate, implicitly by the equally pro-Brexit Tory. And yet he scarcely reacted. Why? “Anger is something I tried to control a long time ago. I very rarely get angry with anybody. Anger contributes very, very little to achieving anything.

Rubbish, he was pretty damned angry when his local constituents moved to de-select him in a vote of no confidence.

He was arrogant enough to think he could still win, especially with the support of weasels like Ken Clarke and John Bercow. He played his hand and went 'all in', but when the cards were turned over, he had nothing, it was all a bluff.

Bye bye Dominic, happy retirement.
Interesting article,

Too many long words for a brexiteer like filly the traitor to understand.
When Grieve was a teenager, his sister, who was a few years older than him, developed anorexia. “It dogged her for the rest of her life. She died at 34. She would have these peaks and troughs. An anorexic in the family is quite disruptive.”
Mp's do like to endear themselves to the public by talking of trauma in life...Sure it is awful ..but ppl have much more chronic sht than that in life and things are much better when rich.....As Harvey Weinstein has just diacovered with his $25 million payoff.
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Interesting article,

Too many long words for a brexiteer like filly the traitor to understand.
Boring actually...but then Gals idea of fun is Ed Millibands little book of speeches.
greive said a few years ago the referendum result must be respected.
A turncoat. The most untrustworthy person you could ever meet.
How do you think Beaconsfield is pronounced (bearing in mind, it is in utter heartland, stockbroker belt, and extremely posh, read expensive)

Beacons-field? or
Or at least that's how everyone pronounced it when I lived in South Beaconsfield*.


:LOL: Different county I'm afraid (not always the case) but yep, it's Becky. And not a lot of people know that (or probably care)
greive said a few years ago the referendum result must be respected.
A turncoat. The most untrustworthy person you could ever meet.
You have been so easily conned by Cummings.
You are like his lap dog.

Dominic Grieve Top man, what a hero.
He has put saving the United Kingdom before his career.
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