Global warming new thread

Norway uses oil revenue to fund public services
It also taxes oil companies at pretty high levels. Also
In Norway, approximately 96 per cent of all electricity is generated by renewable hydropower. This has given Norwegian industry stable access to inexpensive, clean energy

Sweden went very nuke. More or less phased out now and not sure how they are going on costs.

I used to take cable TV. Lots of documentaries one particularly interesting. 2 of the original Green Peace founder apologising about campaigning about nuke due to the amount of coal burnt as a result. May as well include oil and gas.

Comments about manufacture and related. Having spent my entire life working in it I'm out on that topic as there would be no point in posting. Too many think they know. Old out of date ideas due to a past that has gone.
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trivial compared to man made climate change which you deny (because you dont understand it)
so why was my reply earlier to this stupid comment removed . Fresh Water is clearly the most important commodity on this planet regardless off what maybe the cause of warming
Off topic maybe. You could start a new one on China holding back water supplies.
what is off topic about water and global warming and my link stayed just not my reply to the clown
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Fresh Water is clearly the most important commodity on this planet

Climate has a far greater bearing on water availability than China controlling water from Tibet

Poor gas seems to think all of the worlds water comes from the Tibet Plateau.

Wot a muppet :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
He's done it on other threads when proved wrong. Has hissy fit and refuses to throw the ball back. Just another low intelligence, boring troll.
I see on the “forum information” section he is asking for his account to be removed.

If people want to post opinions in an open forum they should be prepared to have what they post challenged.

dns1 wants to be allowed to freely post his opinions which contains misinformation, to not be scrutinised.
Climate has a far greater bearing on water availability than China controlling water from Tibet

Poor gas seems to think all of the worlds water comes from the Tibet Plateau.

Wot a muppet :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
deary deary me do you think there is a world pipeline that supplies fresh water from likes of loch ness/ lake superior etc etc to china .
You obviously struggle with a country safe guarding its future water supply at the detriment of the other countries that currently have access to that water .
deary deary me do you think there is a world pipeline that supplies fresh water from likes of loch ness/ lake superior etc etc to china .
You obviously struggle with a country safe guarding its future water supply at the detriment of the other countries that currently have access to that water .
I repeat:

Climate has a far greater bearing on water availability than China controlling water from Tibet

You obviously struggle with a country safe guarding its future water supply at the detriment of the other countries that currently have access to that water
Please avoid setting up a strawman argument

If you want to start a thread about China controlling natural resources, please go ahead. But do not try and derail a debate about climate change.
I repeat:

Climate has a far greater bearing on water availability than China controlling water from Tibet

Please avoid setting up a strawman argument

If you want to start a thread about China controlling natural resources, please go ahead. But do not try and derail a debate about climate change.
now what happens when the climate gets warmer oh yeah water usage goes up .What do humans need to live food which uses vast quantities of water to grow and sustain animals and we need water to live . So yep water is a very important factor in climate change . What bit are you struggling with about a country safe guarding it possible future needs if the climate get hotter
now what happens when the climate gets warmer oh yeah water usage goes up .What do humans need to live food which uses vast quantities of water to grow and sustain animals and we need water to live . So yep water is a very important factor in climate change . What bit are you struggling with about a country safe guarding it possible future needs if the climate get hotter

Already happening.

Tongue River Water War

And Israel didn't annex the Golan Heights just for the view...
now what happens when the climate gets warmer oh yeah water usage goes up .What do humans need to live food which uses vast quantities of water to grow and sustain animals and we need water to live . So yep water is a very important factor in climate change . What bit are you struggling with about a country safe guarding it possible future needs if the climate get hotter
This links into the probable significant increase in climate migration in years/decades to come. Something else that will likely receive little forward planning until the proverbial is hitting the fan.
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