humidistat fan question.

11 Nov 2008
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United Kingdom
Hi all.......ive purchased a bathroom fan with timer and humidity sensor.

im concerned how to set the humidity,its 60%-90% and with my bathroom being only 6x6 wall to gets quite a bit of steam built up before the fan kicks in,by then the tiles are dripping with moisture/condensation

my question is............if i want the fan to come on quicker than it does,do i need to turn the sensor dial towards the 60% or towards the 90% ?

here's what i've had .....................
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The humidity setting represents the percentage of moisture in the air. So 60% has less moisture in it that 90%. The lower the number, the earlier the fan will cut in.

The average indoor UK humidity is about 50% so if you set it too low, you might find in humid weather it will run continually. It's probably a case of 'suck it and see'. [pun intended :whistle:]
thanks stem ive set it to around 70 a guess....thanks......i did set it lower but i noticed it never kicked in for some reason,so i removed the cover blew in it and it came on.....strange.

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