Latest toy - security cam

30 Dec 2018
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Up North
United Kingdom
I paid £40 many years ago now, for my first PTZ low res, indoor security cam. I have just picked up, for a similar cost, what I thought would be a similar cheap one. I was wrong, it is quite a clever one...

Outdoor IP66, FHD, PTZ, wifi and wired, plus object following. It also includes auto-IR lighting, plus white auto/manual flood lighting. The object following is quite amusing to watch - if it spots any movement, it follows the movement, until it stops, then goes back to it's default view position. The camera is incredibly sensitive, on the IR spectrum.

These cams have come on a very long way, in recent years.
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I paid £40 many years ago now, for my first PTZ low res, indoor security cam. I have just picked up, for a similar cost, what I thought would be a similar cheap one. I was wrong, it is quite a clever one...

Outdoor IP66, FHD, PTZ, wifi and wired, plus object following. It also includes auto-IR lighting, plus white auto/manual flood lighting. The object following is quite amusing to watch - if it spots any movement, it follows the movement, until it stops, then goes back to it's default view position. The camera is incredibly sensitive, on the IR spectrum.

These cams have come on a very long way, in recent years.
Got a link to that Harry?
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Which says '"In the South Carolina case the most likely scenario is that someone is scanning for valid device IDs with insecure/default passwords and then spies on the owners of the device, possibly based on the information released by Security Research Labs in November 2017," researchers said.'

So the trick is to use a secure password, I use a secure password, but even if they manage to hack in, all they can see is the world going by.