Maybe this explains the PPE 'confusion?

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
"Ministers were urged to explain how deals worth “more than £830m have been awarded to at least 12 different companies” for personal protective equipment (PPE) – which has “never materialised”.

In the Commons, Labour also demanded answers over a contract handed – “without any public tender process” – to Public First, a company run by a former aide to Michael Gove and associate of Dominic Cummings.

It was “owned by friends of the prime minister’s most senior adviser”, Helen Hayes, a Cabinet Office spokesperson said – and “justified as part of the coronavirus response but appears to relate to Brexit”.

“The flexibility required by extraordinary circumstances is no excuse for reducing transparency or abandoning any attempt at due diligence,”

"Penny Mordaunt, a Cabinet Office minister, did not deny that PPE had not been delivered, but insisted every MP knew a senior employee at Public First – who was a “former much-loved deputy speaker” of the Commons."

They're all in the trough together!
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Yep. Our parliament is a bloody joke at times.
What amazes me more than anything is how their marketing team have convinced the average person that they represent them and their needs. We're all still being mugged by the toffs every day.
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