Most irritating domestic tortures

2 Sep 2003
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United Kingdom
Having just completed a much needed and long awaited clean-up around the house (great way to spend a day off by the way). I seemed to be the victim of many minor, but really annoying things that can happen whilst performing the most common tasks. As if the very act of restoring order, cleanliness and clean underpants is not enough, it seems there are so many pitfalls awaiting the budding cleaner in his/her quest for domesticity. Here are a few of the more irritating things that can infuriate you along the way.

1. Constantly tripping over the Dyson/Hoover cable. It's just always there isn't it? Waiting like a python to wrap you in its grasp.

2. Finding a tissue in the wash. Jesus, how does one always find its way in. Always.

3. Dropping the Marigolds into a sink full of water. Now come on everyone must have experienced warm, soggy rubber gloves. They never dry.

4. Squeezing fingers in the ironing board. Always when taking it down, when you're at a low ebb from all the shirts you've just had to do.

5. Rubbish bag collapsing a foot short of the wheelie bin. Actually, this is a new one for me, never happened before.

I could go on. I just had to get this off my chest. I can't wait to go back to work tomorrow.

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Store the gloves inside out ;)

Buy decent bin-bags ... cheapos are ... cheapos ! :D

Leave ironing board ready to go.

Get someone else to clean vacuum etc.

kick work into touch.
