
12 Jan 2006
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United Kingdom
I have always been typical of giving names to people, This might sound daft or be thought of as offensive (although the names I give to people are never anything really offensive).

Here are a few:

Dan-Dan Pan
Daniel-Daniel the Spaniel
Vicky-Sticky Vicky
Marina-Marina Cortina
Julie-Droolie Julie
Gwyn-Gwyn the Pin
Gwen-Gwen the Pen
Tamsi-Tamsin the Damson
Kerry-Kerry the Berry
Jade-Jade the Spade
Helen-Helen the Bellen(d) (Only offensive one I've thought of)
Neville-Neville the Devil (Or Neville the Spiritlevel)
Becca-Becca the Pecker
Byron-Take the N of the end then it is pronounced as Biro (Best one I've thought of)

Anybody else able to think of names?
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CAWORK said:
Jade-Jade the Spade
Helen-Helen the Bellen(d) (Only offensive one I've thought of)

Depending on Jade's ethinic origin, her nickname could get her back up too.... ;)

Only ones I could think of were people called Mark, who have been variously Marky Mark, Sparky and Sharky.

I used to work with two men, one of whom was called Dave. When talking with the admin girl, I would always refer to them as Spaz & Dave. Another guy with the surname Hughes was always referred to as 'The Huge'. The working day just flew by.........
I used to call everyone Brian, don't know why I never got slapped. :D
I used to call my little girl honeybunch but one day I called it her infront of her chum who fell over laughing :eek: that was the end of that for a while.
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I have always had a problem remembering names I call them how I know them ,

jeff who is plasterer skimmy jeff

john who is an electrician is jonny livewire

trev who is a painter/decorator is Pablo trev (Pablo Picasso)

wifes sister tracey krazy tracey (as she is a mentalist in drink

its subtle really , 1 mate Dan has a gammy hand now I could be mean
which is just nasty an wrong ...
but I think of some over nickname ...he plays sunday league footy an is quite good so his nick is pele -Dan

even my wife many years ago when courting her I would call her "Gorgeous ! " ...remember once I called her Dawn ,for some mental head gone moment , she got well narked ,lol
One of the true greats

Few rugby players have matched the achievements of Welshman Mervyn Davies, the shrewd, gutsy number 8 with the heart of a lion. In what was a remarkable career, he won two Grand Slams, three Triple Crowns, earned thirty-eight consecutive Wales caps, was captain of his national team and played in two victorious Lions tours. From the tail end of the 1960s through the first half of the glorious ‘70s period, ‘Merv the Swerve’ – with that mop of black hair and trademark headband – cut an iconic figure in the world’s great rugby arenas. Teammates and opponents respected him, fans loved him and he was a natural leader of men both on and off the field.

Then, in March 1976, everything changed. Mervyn was leading Swansea in a semi-final cup clash when he suffered a massive brain haemorrhage. He began that fateful Sunday preparing for just another high-profile game but ended it fighting for his life. Wales, and the watching sporting world, could do nothing but wait and hope. And just when the odds seemed stacked irreversibly against him, Mervyn did what he had always done: he beat them.

Mervyn’s life story is one of what was, what might have been and what is. From locker-room tales to the loneliness of rehabilitation, Mervyn’s account is funny, moving and honest. He writes about his many highs and lows, about losing rugby but regaining his life and shares his thoughts on the days he spent in shadow and in strength.

It's not all bad !!

To be born Welsh is to be born privileged.
Not with a silver spoon in your mouth,
But music in your heart and poetry in your soul.

:) :) :)
Some pretty handsome, firey, blonde females too... Land of my fathers.
"Some pretty handsome, firey, blonde females too"

in England we call them sheep you fancy :)

"But music in your heart and poetry in your soul"

as long as us tax payers have paid them their Incapacity benefit cheques ;)
swelec said:

It's not all bad !!

To be born Welsh is to be born privileged.
Not with a silver spoon in your mouth,
But music in your heart and poetry in your soul.

:) :) :)
Well said Swelec I agree with you :D
what rot

get back to fleecing tourists,

an burning coppers in Wicker men ;)
Nicknames... funny how they seem perfectly normal to those who know the person, but they can seem a bit weird.

I have a friend named Charlotte who I call "Mucky Chucky"... she slaps me but I know she loves it really. :LOL:

Oh, "Sticky" can also be put in front of "Nicky", and I know a Richard who is referred to as "Tricky Dicky". His ex, a Spaniard by the name of Anna, we called her "Spanner".

I knew a guy called "Rob the Knob"... but it wasn't for the reasons he claimed :LOL:

Have known a Dawn we fondly referred to as "Krakov", after one of our friends woke up "at the krakov Dawn" ;) :LOL:

On the subject of Welshmen, does anyone know why "Yanto" is the traditional nickname for an Evans? I call my grandfather (an Evans) by this name but neither of us know why it is the case. :confused:
Moz said:
what rot

get back to fleecing tourists,

an burning coppers in Wicker men ;)
watch it buddy boy or you may get wickered and sent to the 'duck do' :D
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