Not one indiscretion, but two in a row!

If you were the MD of a big company that employed a lot of people.

Would you not meet the MD of a company that would give security of massive orders to your company because he in your eyes was a tit and stood for nothing you as a man stands for? Would you not take one for the team???

He might just send the Sales, or finance director, and apologise for having to be elsewhere and be unable to meet! It happens, in business and politics, as you know.
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But you want independance ? It's right for us, but not for anybody else? Is that your logic

In case you missed it Scotland had an independance referendum, the vote was No.

Alec Salmond said it was a 'once in a lifetime' .......Stupid Sturgeon didnt read the memo, nor did you.

In any case Scotland did alright, they got the Barnet formula.
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