Pay And Display Just Got A Whole Lot More Ridiculous

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
This is the sort of thing that has obviously been done deliberately and the Councils concerned are greedily raking in the cash.

It boils my p#ss and if it happened to me, I'd happily go to court over it and hope that a right-minded judge would do the correct thing and insist on unambiguous signage, at the very least.

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Not an issue for me, other than when using the airport I never, ever, pay for parking; there's always somewhere free within a short walk - my kids call it "park and walk". Makes me laugh when these young twits - are they millennials or snowflakes or whatever - drive to a gym, pay to park their car then spend an hour walking along a treadmill.
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It reported at the end of the report that the fine had been quashed. But what a stupid scenario to begin with!
To stop any future problems, they should build some form of fence between the car parks or at least put proper signage along the dividing strip.
Even easier, let just one of the councils run both.
In Lahndon it can be the same council, with each side of the street having different machines. They put arrows up, but you have to know.

That specific model of machine is in the car park by my local gym. It spends ages showing you fancy council graphics , which could be useful, in the OPs case.
It also has the button decals worn away so you have to guess which to push. I find only about 1 in 3 work out what to do first time, so always check the person behind me can drive the bloody thing. There's often a queue trying to suss it out.
Councils are generally incompetent and often p1ss poor at medium/longer term strategising. We have a multi-storey car park in my home town beside the high street. Years ago, granted the high street was busier then, they had a man in the booth who pressed a button to let you in and took your payment on the way out. The car park was pretty busy in those days. Then, no doubt due to falling numbers, they did away with the man in the booth and installed pre-payment machines ... two of them ... on the top floor where the car park leads into a shopping centre. However there are no payment machines on the ground or first floor.

Article about it in the local media today, saying ever since the council introduced the new system whatever remaining (car parking) trade there was has decreased significantly, meaning the multi-storey, even on a Saturday, sits near empty.

The cynic in you would wonder if it's all part of a wider strategy to make people think 'I'll take the bus instead.' ;)

Not me, I simply won't return, so you've lost my trade.
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