State School with only 2% white British students gets 41 Oxbridge offers

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom

Brampton Manor in east London credits students’ success to their ambition and to excellent staff

Still not a patch on Eton

Brampton Manor may be located in one of the poorest boroughs in London but its success now rivals that of some of the top private schools across the country. By way of comparison, in 2015 68 students from Eton College were accepted by Oxbridge, out of a cohort of 267.

There’s a separate board for Oxbridge, the names topped by the school’s first Oxbridge student, Nulifa Ahmed, who went on to get a first in geography at Cambridge.
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Brampton Manor in east London credits students’ success to their ambition and to excellent staff

Still not a patch on Eton

Brampton Manor may be located in one of the poorest boroughs in London but its success now rivals that of some of the top private schools across the country. By way of comparison, in 2015 68 students from Eton College were accepted by Oxbridge, out of a cohort of 267.

There’s a separate board for Oxbridge, the names topped by the school’s first Oxbridge student, Nulifa Ahmed, who went on to get a first in geography at Cambridge.
And your point is?

Brampton Manor in east London credits students’ success to their ambition and to excellent staff

Still not a patch on Eton

Brampton Manor may be located in one of the poorest boroughs in London but its success now rivals that of some of the top private schools across the country. By way of comparison, in 2015 68 students from Eton College were accepted by Oxbridge, out of a cohort of 267.

There’s a separate board for Oxbridge, the names topped by the school’s first Oxbridge student, Nulifa Ahmed, who went on to get a first in geography at Cambridge.

Should be able to find the job centre then!..... degree in geography! :LOL::whistle:

Should have done PPE, if you want an easy degree plus a route into the establishment.
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And your point is?

The point he is making is that white, British people are evil and foreigners are better than us.

It's a point made often on this forum and it should not be tolerated. I expect that most of the readers of this site are white British and that the likes of Sir Galahad and the others who post this tripe are white British too!

What other nation hates itself so much?
It is called post colonial guilt, apparently the white man (or white person to be politically correct) is responsible for all the world's problems.
If a black person stabs another black person in London it is all the fault of the white racist society that black persons have to live in.

the sixth form is highly selective. It opened in 2012 and attracts up to 3,000 applications for 300 places each year. Some of its students travel up to two hours each way to attend

There is a university access team made up of five Oxbridge graduates who are not teachers and are there solely to support university applications, including giving mock interviews.

That's nice for the pupils going to Oxbridge. The rest of the pupils in the borough might do better if they had five more teachers actually teaching.

Local schools here are cutting hours and reducing subjects.
That's nice for the pupils going to Oxbridge. The rest of the pupils in the borough might do better if they had five more teachers actually teaching.

Local schools here are cutting hours and reducing subjects.
Is that due to Nicola Sturgeon? -I recall she has been criticised for poor education standards
My daughter is top of her year in maths.

Just sayin’
My grandsons is top of his class in most subjects , taking his exams a year early .His school cannot support all the languages he wants to learn so teaching himself them.
Used to fix IT problems for his teachers in primary school .
Smart arse, must take after his granddad .
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