
9 May 2020
Reaction score
As durhamplumber was so interested in my arranging (the lone arranger :whistle:)
and Dangee was concerned that I had enough to occupy myself, I thought I'd post my latest arrangement for our band:

This is a digital reproduction of the score, so dynamics, intonation, interpretation and balance will vary in real playing.
Especially the dynamics of the solos doesn't really come through. I'd have to raise the dynamic levels in the score, re-export it, reconvert it, and reload it to a suitable site, so bu99ger that.
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Is it a cover of jazzy Jeff and will smith?

(Link dont work)
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Sorry it's not working.
I picked up zippyshare from an old post from some guy who'd posted up a sound file of his plumbing problem.
It works for me.
I'll have to try another approach. I don't know why DIYnot doesn't have an option for providing a link to an audio file, but it does for video files. :(
If anyone knows how to do it, let me know.

I've tried Youtube music, you can provide the link but then you have to provide access to the person's whole library, I think.
There's certainly personal info in there that you can't hide.

It's loosely based on Miles Davis version of Gershwin's Summertime.
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Let's see if this works. I'm a bit wary of giving people access to view google drive stuff.
You'll have to download from the link unless you have an app that will play automatically.
As it's easy to do a midi file without bothering with conversion or uploading it to a file sharing platform, (Google drive is automatic for me ) I might go back to the score and increase the dynamics of the solos, just so they come out better on digital performance of the score. Obviously in real live performance the players would adjust their playing dynamic to achieve the correct balance.

Edit: Dynamics adjusted.
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